
Down Memory Lane with Mary Jayne

This photo of Bud’s Park N’ Eat was probably one of Munising’s first drive-ins, most likely taken in the 50s. It was located on Munising Avenue in the vicinity of what is now the Holiday Gas Station. At least that’s what I recall. Most of us remember A&W root beer down the street from me but this one goes back much further.
We happened to come upon a familiar sighting while on a recent color tour ride around Alger County. What made this special was to get a photo of this majestic eagle perched on a tree within 20 feet of the car and not budging. It’s also that time of year to see flocks of geese navigating their way South for the winter. What fun!
If you’re ever out and about near the Mather Elementary School mid-afternoon, you’ll be sure to see quite a bit activity with the kids leaving school for the day. Along with many parents picking up their kids personally there are still quite a few that take the bus home. When my grandson took the bus from Doe Lake Road while in elementary school (20 plus years ago) he would be the first one on and last to be dropped off at the end of the day. Way too much time on a bus. (Photos courtesy of Mary Jayne Hallifax)


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