

Americans surrounded by info but remain ill-informed

Despite Americans in 2024 having access to more high-quality, well-sourced information on every topic known to man, somehow, we’re seemingly also the most ill-informed people in human history. I turn for evidence to a statement that a member of Congress was forced to release in response to ...

Are minorities voting increasingly like normies?

Not everything significant politically is happening just in the target states. “Never seen anything like this in thirty years,” said California Republican consultant Mike Madrid in an X post, referencing the sharp increase in Republican registration among California’s minority voters, ...

Who cares what the government thinks?

In 1791, when Congressman James Madison was drafting the first 10 amendments to the Constitution -- which would become known as the Bill of Rights -- he insisted that the most prominent amendment among them restrain the government from interfering with the freedom of speech. After various ...

Must we feel sorry for those who believe MAGA?

The tricks Donald Trump tried to play on the recent hurricane victims were beyond depraved. Here were people suffering major losses, their lives stopped in a hellscape of tattered roofs, ruined possessions and, in some cases, a pile of debris where their home once stood. And there was Trump ...