

It seems we are too lonely

I recall imagining, back in 2020, that when COVID-19 was finally in the rearview mirror, we would witness a global party of epic proportions. If the “Roaring Twenties” were partly a reaction to the ebbing of the Spanish flu, perhaps the 2020s would feature a similar eruption of animal ...

Second Trump administration would be bonkers

If Donald Trump’s Truth Social posts about his supposedly impending arrest make it feel like our politics are about to reach another level of insanity, just wait. The potential Alvin Bragg prosecution offers a taste of what our national politics will be like post-November 2024 if Donald ...

America seems to go crazy every 50 years

Amid news that Donald Trump is about to be indicted by a hyperpartisan prosecutor and of his hysterical responses, and prompted by vagrant reading about the War of 1812 and Woodrow Wilson’s violations of civil liberties in World War I, a thought occurred to me. America seems to go crazy every ...

Sunshine Week celebrates need for open government

A mere 45 words, penned by James Madison, lay the foundation for our representative democracy. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people ...

Big labor having its way in Lansing

The new Legislature, ruled by thin Democratic majorities in each chamber and conducted by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, has already handed over enormous power to unions in this term. What’s still on the union wish list is even more egregious. In passing the repeal of right to work, Democrats in ...

Old trick of ‘passing’ still happens

I have never known a man who faked his own death, but I have known a man who faked his own life, then sadly failed to live long enough for us to talk about it. I’m talking about the late Hache Carrillo, a rising, award-winning literary talent whose reputation grew quickly after the ...