
Down Memory Lane with Mary Jayne

While out riding on my cart, I noticed this group of young folks as they appeared to be coming back from recreational time at the beach with their folks picking them up. Upon inquiring, found that with some of the nicer days recently, a group leaves the Alger Rec building and the city bus takes them to a nearby lake (like Sand Point), for a swim. A memory when Mather did the same thing with as I remember Stan Whitman and Dave Ghiardi would be the teachers. There are still a lot of folks remember those wonderful times.

Here’s a nice profile of a group of kayakers leaving for a day on the lake at Sand Point. Hoping the lake was cooperative as we’ve had pretty good weather this past month. Summer will soon come to a close and most kids back in school or work.

Many people are sprucing up their property in town, including city hall, getting a fresh coat of stain/seal as it appears. Need to get our chores done before big man winter heads our way.


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