
Down memory LANE

with Mary Jayne

This was the Lions calendar in1980 as we celebrated our football winning at the Silver Dome. It was quite the football year. Munising pretty much evacuated a few days to go to the game. Bit time stuff!. As noted on the ads in the calendar,a lot of those businesses no longer exist. (Photo courtesy of Mary Jayne Hallifax)
People seem to have forgotten some of gthe previous Mays we have experienced here, especially May 2014. The ice came back in the bay several times, delaying Pictured Rocks cruise ships from operating. (Photo courtesy of Mary Jayne Hallifax)
And this was a fashionable hotel in Munising on Elm Avenue, next to the post office. This was the kind of hotel that was family run (at this time the Belfry family). In fact, when my husband came to town to begin his mortuary career in 1947, this is where he took his meals. Believe it or not, he came to town with no car (took the bus), rented a room down the street and as mentioned, took his meals at that hotel. Folks started out with much less in those days and built up gradually. And, of course, no electronics or cell phones in those days. They really were the good old days. (Photo courtesy of Mary Jayne Hallifax)


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