

Democrats search for identity


According to a recent poll conducted by the Democratic firm, Blueprint, only 5% of Americans say that Joe Biden is “far more conservative than me.” Ask yourself, what percentage of Democratic activists, liberal TV hosts, White House staffers, liberal think tankers and donors believe that ...

Red Kettle Campaign is up and running


There are many traditions of the holidays that put people into the spirit of the season, from area homes being decorated for Thanksgiving and Christmas to joyful concerts and social gatherings. Perhaps one of the most notable and worthy traditions, though, is the Salvation Army’s Red Kettle ...

Hill missing mark


To the Journal editor: I miss former state Rep. Sara Cambensy, D-Marquette. Sara would frequently cross the aisle and broker a nonpartisan agreement to get the best deal she could for her constituents and her district. She once told me that the Democratic Party had labeled her as a traitor ...

Evangelicals are conforming to world


More than 150 Iowa “faith leaders” have announced they are supporting Donald Trump in the state’s forthcoming caucuses. At the same time, Bob Vander Plaats, an influential Iowa e vangelical leader, is supporting Ron DeSantis. Predictably, Donald Trump slammed Vander Plaats as a “ ...

Internet becoming an increasingly dangerous place


There was a time, and frankly, not all that long ago, when parents were faced with easily-identified threats in overseeing the safety of their children. Be wary of strangers, was a common one. Always let us know where you are and who you are with, were others. That was then. This is now. ...

Thanks to Super One, community

Letters To The Editor

To the Journal editor: I would like to express a heartfelt thank you to Super One in Marquette and the community for your generosity during the “round up” campaign recently completed. Thanks to your generosity, a donation of $2,650.39 was made to the St. Vincent De Paul food pantry. ...