

Auditor General needed to ensure good government


There’s an interesting brouhaha over Michigan’s Office of Auditor General and its budget for 2025. One of the OAG budget lines has a placeholder, which if not filled, would end up cutting the agency’s funding by 28 percent, or $8.3 million. The office, itself, is longstanding and ...

Stifling charter schools won’t save public schools


Michigan’s public schools consistently rank among the worst performing in the nation, so it’s no surprise 10% of the state’s students choose charter schools in hopes of a better education. It’s a wonder the percentage isn’t larger. And it might be if the education establishment ...

Bills that would regulate tobacco sales supported


Although we suspect a lot of people are not going to be happy about it, we support measures working their way through the State Legislature that would allow counties to tighten enforcement of what tobacco products can be sold there. The Senate bills in the Regulatory Affairs Committee would ...

Hillary was right the first time around


During the 2016 presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton was criticized for her use of the word “superpredators” back in 1996. Some on the left laid into her, accusing Clinton of racism. Meanwhile, her opponent, Donald Trump, trying to sucker leftist Bernie Sanders voters into not voting ...

Are drivers taking hands-free law seriously?


During our morning commute — especially on Wednesday during the winter storm — we couldn’t help but notice that some of our area residents still aren’t following the hands-free law in Michigan. www.michigan.gov states that Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed into law a bill making it illegal ...

Is free will free?

Letters To The Editor

To the Journal editor: Has your political free-will been hacked? Maybe the following will allow you to take a deep breath and reduce your stress during this political season. Definition of free will: “Freedom of humans to make choices that are not determined by prior causes or by divine ...