
Letters To The Editor

Break cycle of war

To the Journal editor: What is patriotic about the military-industrial-congressional complex? Patriotism has many meanings to many people. Mine does not support forever, endless, or wars in perpetuity, policies that support them. Wars against nations include the use of sanctions and ...

Thanks given

To the Journal editor: After getting our appointment for the COVID vaccine, I worried about how my husband and I would manage. We both walk with canes and we needed to go to Northern Michigan University’s Great Lakes Rooms, a long walk. I was met at the sidewalk by a National Guard ...

COVID deaths anger

To the Journal editor: Five hundred thousand, aka, half a million people have died in this past year from COVID-19. This makes me so angry! I’m angry because the previous president could have done more to prevent this number of deaths. He knew early on that COVID would be much worse than ...

Good old days were not so good, really

To the Journal editor: Any informed reflection on our nation’s past reveals that the “good old days” weren’t so good for all of us. Any such reflection clearly reveals an ever present campaign to consciously marginalize targeted groups of Americans in order to ensure the economic ...

Does history repeat itself?

To the Journal editor: Recently, while reading some ancient history I came across a series of events in the Roman republic that uncannily parallel current events. During 463-460 B.C., the following occurred in Rome: 1. A serious pandemic afflicts the city. 2. Attempts to practice ...

Please watch out near ski hill

To the Journal editor: Anyone driving on County Road 553 in the ski hall area PLEASE slow down and take extreme caution of pedestrians PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE. It has always been a precarious to cross, with speed limit 55, positioned at the bottom of hill in both directions for traffic. Now ...