Dear Annie: I’ve always been the person who people turn to for support — friends, family, even co-workers come to me when they need advice or a shoulder to lean on. And while I genuinely love helping others, I’m starting to realize I don’t have anyone I can turn to when I need the same ...
DEAR DR. ROACH: What happened to Darvon? It wasn’t addicting and didn’t cost much, and I never heard any reason why it was withdrawn except that “it didn’t work.” It sure worked for me, and when they took it away, I ended up on Oxycontin because everything else that wasn’t more ...
A kilim is a type of rug that originated in Asia, falling into the broad category of Oriental rugs. The earliest known examples were found in China, and the most famous come from western Asia. Unlike pile-woven rugs, which have a thick, tufted texture made from thousands of knotted threads, ...
With its rings of holly branches, this majolica platter carries the spirit of Christmas. And with its $7,735 sale price at Strawser Auction Group, it’s certainly something to celebrate! But a closer look shows its symbols are a little different from the decorations most of us may be used to. ...
Dear Annie: My daughter took in some kittens that a mama cat delivered on her property. She was very selective about who she would give them to and wound up only finding a home for one of them. She decided to keep two of the kittens, along with her existing two cats, which left three without ...
DEAR DR. ROACH: My husband and I booked a cruise for March with stops in Singapore; Vietnam; Hong Kong; Taipei, Taiwan; and Japan. We are healthy 67 year-old Nevada residents with no medical problems.
I’ve checked with my personal physician, our travel agent, and several websites, including ...