

Who’s undermining rule of law?

You hear it said in responsible quarters of the right that Democrats are undermining the rule of law by handing up an indictment of Donald Trump. Sure, they acknowledge, Trump has done terrible things, but by bringing this case, Democrats are twisting the law to get at one particular defendant, ...

How Mickey Mouse outwitted Florida’s governor

At the Walt Disney Co., “The Empire Strikes Back” is more than a title of one of its “Star Wars” movies. It also describes how Disney’s chief executive, Bob Iger chastised Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis as “anti-business and anti-Florida” in the latest round of a bitter public battle ...

Trump is mixture of both good and evil

The Stossel TV Studio is just a block from Trump Tower. Today, noisy helicopters hover, and sidewalks are pointlessly blocked by the usual politics/media excess: too many barricades manned by too many bored police officers. The predicted “big demonstration!” and “possible violence” ...

Trying to avoid bad-bear behavior in spring

One of the many signs of spring in the northwoods is black bears begin to appear on the landscape again. According to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, bears emerge from winter hibernation from late March to early May. And after months of being denned up, they have one thing on ...

Children lost but now found

Spring can be a treacherous time of year as ice weakens, snow melts and temperatures zigzag between T-shirts and parkas. In Elk Rapids a few weeks ago, two children disappeared, their footprints heading out across a partially frozen lake. In Marquette, a 14-year-old ran into a frozen swamp ...

Is it time to pity DeSantis?

Ron DeSantis seems to be fading under the technicolor lunacy of Donald Trump. That’s a hard act to compete with, especially when the Florida governor’s act is a watercolor version. The assault on his state’s biggest private taxpayer and employer, meanwhile, is incomprehensive. The Walt ...