

Clean slates must come with vigilance

It’s a promising development that hundreds of thousands of criminal records were expunged this week as the state began implementing the final step in a 2020 law that gives those with certain misdemeanor and felony criminal records a “clean slate.” But police and lawmakers must ensure ...

New York needs more tourists like Jim Jordan

New Yorkers should thank Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan for helping (unwittingly) remind the country how safe their metro area is compared to his own. Did he think that no one would note that there are 15.4 murders for every 100,000 people in Columbus but only 5.2 in New York City? Or that Ohio’s ...

Crime follows national trends but requires local solutions

We live in a moment when everyone seems compelled to talk about national trends and systemic problems. There are plenty of reasons for this. Politicians in Washington, Republicans and Democrats alike, think Washington should call the shots. Presidents and presidential aspirants feel the need ...

No one is talking about long-term debt, entitlement impact

Everywhere one looks these days it appears services and products cost more but deliver less than they once did. That seems especially true when it comes to the federal government. President Biden wants to raise taxes again. Unlikely, given the Republican House majority, but this Tax Day ...

GOP beware: Abortion politics are firing up both sides

Remember how conservatives used to decry “judicial activism?”? As I recall, that was before they began to see an advantage in some judicial activism of their own. In its simplest definition, judicial activism describes how a justice approaches judicial review. It refers to judges who ...

Is Clarence Thomas crooked?

The journalists at ProPublica are proud of their scoop about Justice Clarence Thomas accepting scads of luxury gifts over the years from a billionaire pal, Harlan Crow. Many who never liked Thomas’ jurisprudence are piling on and declaring a four-alarm fire. Writing in The American Prospect, ...