
Gladstone golf scramble planned

GLADSTONE — The 3rd Annual Gladstone Michigan Soo Line Steam Engine #730 Authority 4 person Golf Scramble will be held June 27 at the Escanaba Michigan Country Club.

Team registrations are now being accepted. The entry fees are $340 per 4-person team.

The tournament format is an 18-hole scramble, and the entry fee includes green fees, dinner, prizes and fun.

Dinner will be served around 4 p.m. and the public is invited to dine with us. The tournament will have a shotgun start at 11 a.m.

The awards ceremony and raffle winners will be announced immediately following the tournament completion.

Proceeds from this golf scramble go to continued restoration and perpetual care of Soo Line Steam Engine #730 and purchase of other historical railroad artifacts to be added and displayed for the added value of the community.

This year’s tournament is co- hosted by the Community Foundation for Delta County with all funding being turned over to them in an endowment and un endowed fund.  

The Gladstone Soo Line Steam Engine Authority is also seeking additional donations to help support the outing.

Companies or individuals who would like to Sponsor their employees as a team or donate items to be used as raffle prizes. Hole sponsorship of $100 are still available also.

Team sign up sheets are available at the Escanaba Country Club course or contact John Pickard at 906-241-0888 for more details.


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