
Good Advice

Kovels – Antiques and collecting

According to science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Look at magic lanterns, which even have “magic” in their name. They were used in Europe by the 1650s. Traveling showmen used them to apparently conjure ghosts ...

Dear Annie

Dear Annie: I have a son who’s going to be 3 in August. He’s been going through the “Terrible Twos,” and as you can imagine, it’s been terrible. His thing right now is that he will throw a fit, and then when he’s done, he will wrap his arms around me and say, “I love you, ...

To Your Good Health

DEAR DR. ROACH: I recently contracted a rather severe case of bacterial pneumonia, requiring 10 days of amoxicillin. It has left me with a problem -- I have an enlarged prostate. Prior to getting pneumonia, I had to go to the bathroom three times a night, which I could handle. Now I have to ...

Hints from Heloise

Dear Heloise: My sister-in-law is English, and she was kind enough to invite my husband and me over for afternoon tea last Sunday. I thought it was fun, but my husband was puzzled by the watercress and butter sandwiches. When we got home later, he kept referring to watercress as the “weed ...

Dear Annie

Dear Annie: My daughter has a 13-year-old son by her first husband and a 14-month-old by her new husband. She and the new husband have been living together for over seven years. She moved eight hours away with our grandson, then 6, and the boyfriend immediately moved there and moved in. He ...

To Your Good Health

DEAR DR. ROACH: My mom was just admitted to the hospital with chest pressure. She had just lost her husband of 62 years last week, and she initially thought this was just stress. They said she might have a blockage because her troponin level was 142 ng/mL. Her cardiologist recommended an ...