
UPAWS Pet Tag fundraiser kicks off Wednesday


Journal Staff Writer

MARQUETTE — The Upper Peninsula Animal Welfare Shelter is once again holding its annual Pet Tag fundraiser during May.

This fundraiser aims to raise money for UPAWS in collaboration with Tadych’s Marketplace.

Anyone interested in getting involved with the fundraiser can do so by telling a Tadych’s cashier that you want to donate to the Pet Tag fundraiser. Donations of $1 or more will allow a customer to sign a tag that will be displayed in the store.

Customers may sign their own name or the name of a favorite pet. All proceeds help support UPAWS daily shelter operating expenses.

UPAWS hopes to raise $2,000 through the Pet Tag fundraiser, according to Ann Brownell, volunteer and community outreach coordinator.

UPAWS is a local nonprofit organization that cares for homeless, unwanted, abandoned and abused domestic animals and has no affiliation with any government or larger group that might influence its decisions or actions. UPAWS advocates only for the animals in its care to help them find forever homes.

Check UPAWS website at upaws.org for volunteer opportunities. Brownell said it currently has 75 to 100 volunteers.

UPAWS, located at 815 S. State Highway M-553, in Gwinn, may be contacted at 906-475-6661 or info@upaws.org.

Vickie Fee can be reached at 906-228-2500, ext. 542. Her email address is vfee@miningjournal.net

Starting at $4.62/week.

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