
NMU gets top marks for Indigenous studies

By Journal Staff

MARQUETTE — American Indian Science and Engineering Society’s 2023-24 list of Top 200 Colleges for Indigenous Students featured Northern Michigan University.

AISES’ list is published in the college edition of the Winds of Change magazine.

Winds of Change is for the growing number of Native Americans, Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians who are concentrating on a science, technology, engineering or math discipline in higher education.

Northern has the distinction of being the only college in Michigan that offers a bachelor’s degree in Native American studies.

NMU also offers a certification in American Indian education and a master’s degree in American Indian education administration.

The CNAS offers a Native American community services associate’s degree in addition to a minor in that field of study.

There’s also an e-source room filled with books, articles, films and other materials, as well as a site for CNAS student visits.

In 2021, NMU had a land acknowledgement sign installed on campus for Indigenous Peoples’ Day. The sign states that the land NMU resides on is located on the ancestral homelands of the Anishinaabe people.

“This honor for NMU is one that the Center for Native American Studies has earned for over a decade,” said Center for Native American Studies department head Joe Lubig. “What a great recognition that really shows CNAS faculty, staff and students understand the value of diversity and the entire student experience at NMU.”

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