
GONE FISHING: Teal Lake Derby to take place Saturday with precautions

Leah Holsworth and her dad, Dave, hold the fish they caught during the 2020 Teal Lake Fishing Derby in Negaunee. Sponsored by the South Shore Fishing Association, this year’s derby is Saturday. COVID-19 protocols will be part of the annual event. (Photo courtesy of South Shore Fishing Association)
Ryan Joki and Eric Bartle hold the fish they caught during the 2020 Teal Lake Fishing Derby in Negaunee. Sponsored by the South Shore Fishing Association, this year’s derby is Saturday. COVID-19 protocols will be part of the annual event. (Photo courtesy of South Shore Fishing Association)
Jamie Burns holds a fish he caught during the 2020 Teal Lake Fishing Derby in Negaunee. Sponsored by the South Shore Fishing Association, this year’s derby is Saturday. COVID-19 protocols will be part of the annual event. (Photo courtesy of South Shore Fishing Association)

NEGAUNEE — For those who want to get outdoors and catch some fish this weekend, the 2021 Teal Lake Fishing Derby will take place from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday in Negaunee.

Sponsored by the South Shore Fishing Association, derby registration will be from 6:30 to 10 a.m. Saturday at the Teal Lake boat launch. Preregistration will be available from 4 to 6 p.m. today at the same site.

COVID-19 protocols will be enforced, organizers said. See the SSFA Facebook page for details. Michigan Department of Natural Resources rules will apply.

The cost for entry is $10 for adults and free for children age 12 and under. Awards will be given out at about 2:30 p.m.

A grand prize package — featuring a Frabill Ice Hunter Sidestep 200 Flipover Shack — has been donated by Fox Motors. Participants must be present and registered to win.

Adults can win prizes of $150, $100 and $50 for a variety of species: walleye, perch and largest pike. Children can take home prize packages in those same categories.

There also will be a team event with a registration fee of $20.

For more information, visit www.southshorefishing. com.


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