Bulletin Board
Rock and mineral club to meet
ISHPEMING — The Ishpeming Rock and Mineral Club will be meeting at 1:30 p.m. Sunday at the Cliff Shaft Mine Museum, 501 W. Euclid St., Ishpeming.
Doors will open at 1 p.m. to allow members and visitors time to bid on silent auction specimens and to view the club’s mineral collection.
Ira Tillotson from Marquette will teach “Gold Panning and Screening Techniques — finding gems and gold in water.” Ira will also talk about his mining claim in Montana and teach the attendees how to pan for sapphires.
Ira will not only demonstrate successful panning techniques, he will also allow “hands-on panning” from concentrate taken from his mining claim. Participants will be allowed to keep their finds.
Children are encouraged to participate in this hands-on exercise.
A door prize drawing, a 50/50 drawing and a business meeting will follow the program.
Everyone is welcome to attend, enjoy, and learn about the wonders of rocks and minerals. There is no admission charge.
Regular program meetings of the Ishpeming Rock and Mineral Club will resume in September.
Visit the website at www.ishpemingrocks.org for information on summer field trips and the annual Gem & Mineral Show on Aug. 4.
Dance coming up in Trenary
TRENARY — A dance is planned from 1-5 p.m. Sunday at the Trenary Community Building.
Music will be provided by some of the 2 x 4 band and others.
Admission is $6 and lunch is available for $3.
NAMI to meet, show film
MARQUETTE — The National Alliance on Mental Illness-Alger/Marquette offers confidential support groups and educational meetings for individuals living with mental illness and friends or families living with an individual with mental illness.
At 7 p.m. Monday, NAMI will show the film “No Letting Go” about a young boy’s mental illness and how it shapes the course of his life, as well as the lives of his family members.
The film will be screened in the Shiras Room at the Peter White Public Library, 217 N. Front St., Marquette.
For more information call 906-360-7107, or visit www.namiam.org.
Beekeepers club getting together
MARQUETTE — Superior Beekeeping Club meets at 6 p.m. Wednesday in the Chocolay Township offices conference room.
Mary Kramer-Rabine will be sharing her experience with selling and marketing her honey and will be talking about Michigan Cottage Industry Laws.