
Climate workshop Monday

MARQUETTE — The Marquette Area Climate Health Adaptation workshop will be from 4 to 6 p.m. March 26 at the Citizens Forum at Lakeview Arena.

TMichigan State University Extension and School of Planning Design and Construction are collaborating with the Michigan Climate and Health Adaptation Program, a member of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Climate Ready States and Cities Initiative, to pilot actions aimed at preventing or reducing human health impacts from climate change in a rural community.

Community members and local officials are invited to review draft physical designs and policy and health interventions, and provide feedback on their application through Marquette County.

The workshop will include a half-hour presentation on progress to date and an opportunity for feedback on the physical design solutions.

This effort is being guided by the Marquette County Climate Adaptation Task Force in collaboration with the Marquette County Health Department.

Input thus far has revealed that revealed that climate-driven events in the area have impacted health and quality of life, particularly for vulnerable groups such as the socially isolated, the elderly and those living in poverty.

Questions may be directed to Brad Neumann: neuman36@msu.edu or 906-315-2661.

Starting at $4.62/week.

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