
News from the Greater Munising Area: Alger Chamber welcomes two new businesses


The Alger County Chamber of Commerce recently welcomed two new members – The Munising Advisor and Munising Cannabis Company.

The Munising Advisor is a free print shopper that’s delivered to area residents and features local events and notifications, business deals, classifieds, and sports scores. The paper will also share “birthdays, memorials, and thank you’s” from members of the community.

“Our hope is to foster a sense of connection and support among the people of Munising, Shingleton, Christmas, Wetmore, Chatham, Au Train and beyond,” a statement from the owners of The Munising Advisor said in its April 19 publication. “Whether you’re announcing a new business, sharing a community event, or selling your old pickup, we want to hear from you.”

While the first two editions were delivered to Munising, Christmas, and Shingleton residents, the owners hope to expand in the near future to include other areas within Alger County.

Contact them to place your ad or classified by calling (906) 341-2424 or by emailing ads@munisingadvisor.com.

Munising Cannabis Company is the first microbusiness in the Upper Peninsula. As a “seed to sale operation”, all products are grown and processed in the facility using a hydroponic growing system and are chemical free.

This year, Michigan Green State magazine’s readers voted Munising Cannabis Company as the best microbusiness in the state. The company is situated in the former Shooters Firehouse and Bar, providing a storefront for flower, gummies and flower rosin. The business has plans to introduce more products to its inventory in the near future.

Munising Cannabis Company is located at 408 Mill St., Munising. For more information, call (906) 387-0420, visit munisingcannabiscompany.com or the business’ social media pages.


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