
Tuesday: Health

Mental health resources expand for first responders

LANSING — A young officer arrived at the scene of a crash that killed a family of four: mother, father, a 3-year-old and an infant. At the time, the tragedy bothered Matt Saxton, who responded to the scene and is now executive director of the Michigan Sheriff’s’ Association. But it ...

Talk with the Doc

I must tell you that it was a profound learning experience for me when I learned that I can choose my attitude each and every day. I remain impressed how our individual attitude affects our overall behavior and interaction with our family, friends, and nearly everybody we come in contact with ...

Health matters

Modern humans are prone to a host of maladies. One of the most common and potentially debilitating diseases is diabetes. It is an unusual condition in that there is a great variety of manifestations resulting from the condition, with numerous organs potentially affected. Most have heard of the ...

Scientists test mushrooms as cancer treatment

MARQUETTE — Hundreds of years ago, a lord of the Tohoku region in Japan offered villagers a deal — equal weight in silver to any who could find a rare mushroom. The villagers danced with joy when they found the valuable fungus, inspiring the mushroom’s name, “maitake,” or “the ...

Urology pearls

The ideal way to solve such a question is to conduct a randomized study in which the participants are divided by chance into two or more groups that compare different treatments or interventions. Here is an example of a ‘recipe’ for a randomized study on the effect beef consumption would ...

Health matters

The study of nutrition isn’t much of a science. We have few specifics on the subject, there being far too many variables (for us) to make accurate predictions. Sadly, we have little information about the consequences of many substances Americans consume regularly (especially the artificial ...