
Tuesday: Health

Talk with the Doc

Pulmonary fibrosis is a serious chronic (long term) medical disease that affects the tissue surrounding the small air sacs in our lungs, known as alveoli. When our lungs are healthy, oxygen easily passes through the walls of the air sacs, and on into the blood. With pulmonary fibrosis, the ...

Health Matters

Foot pain is something most of us experience at some point in our lives. Depending on which study is quoted, the vast majority of Americans have discomfort originating from this vital body part, some claiming 9 out of every 10 people do, at some point. Heel pain is likely the most publicized ...

Why sugar matters – and how to cut back if you’re eating too much of it

A summary of sugar’s health effects can sound like the tagline for a Hollywood thriller: “It’s sweet and alluring. It’s a master of disguise. And tonight — it’s hiding in your refrigerator.” OK, maybe not a successful thriller. But like a double agent, sugar can be both ...

Urology Pearls: Chapter 2: Joe’s invisible force

For Joe, the twitching came on suddenly, surprisingly, shockingly, and in his own words, “out of the clear blue sky.” It seemed as if his left shoulder and the left side of his face had acquired a life of their own and moved of their own volition. The twitching lasted for a minute or two ...

Health Matters: Short-term exercise provides many health benefits

Americans are barraged with images of skinny models and muscle bound men, from the glamour magazines to TV commercials, we are held to an impossible standard. This is a message oft repeated: to be physically attractive and healthy, an individual must eat healthy foods and engage in 2 and a half ...

Bird songs may ease the blues

LANSING — The Great Lakes region’s more than 300 bird species may provide valuable mental health benefits. A recent study from Carleton University in Ontario shows there are fewer mental health-related hospitalizations in Michigan areas with high bird diversity. Previous studies have ...