Higher Love to expand outlet

Higher Love’s Menominee drive-through is upgrading to a state-of-the-art building just across the parking lot and they’re hosting a cookout to celebrate! Teaming up with Menominee & Marinette Veterans in Need, free brats and hamburgers will be provided to guest as they wait to experience Higher Love.
MENOMINEE — After six months of operations, the Higher Love Menominee location is ready to offer the full in-store customer experience, serving all the freshest flower a la carte, including their own line of organic strains.
Higher Love will bring it’s trademark “Deli Style” service to the Menominee cannabis community and kicking off their Grand Opening on Saturday March 23, from 9 a.m.-9 p.m.
There will be a cookout in the parking lot where guests can enjoy complimentary brats and hamburgers with all donations raised benefitting this important organization. Doozers will also be on site offering sweet treats! Get them while supplies last!
Stop by the grand opening for a chance to say hello and receive some complimentary goodies from brands like Vapin Ape and Butter.
The first 150 guests on March 23 can expect an extra special treat in the form of some Higher Love swag.
Lindsay Martwick, retail director of Higher Love, is excited for the Grand Opening, “Our road to operating in Menominee has been a bumpy one, however, the community members and our customers have never wavered in their support for us.” Martwick continued, “I’m extremely excited to share the full Higher Love experience with our loyal advocates who have been so patient and kind, it’s time for us to share the love.”
To learn how to get involved with Menominee & Marinette Veterans in Need visit, www.mmvin.org.