
Morning UP

Student success ‘kickstarted’

ESCANABA — This summer, the Bay College Kickstart Program offered future college students the opportunity to get a head start on learning how to be a successful college student. Participants brushed up on their math and English skills, participated in college and career preparation ...

Sanity savers parents swear by for back-to-school success

(AP) — As summer winds down and the school year approaches, achieving back-to-school success can feel overwhelming. With a few smart strategies and some forward planning, you can transform the chaos into a smooth and stress-free transition. From buying supplies bit by bit to batch-cooking ...

Collin’s Guide to the Grateful Dead

By COLLIN GALLION 8-18 Media Special to the Journal And we’re back with another edition of Collin’s Guide to The Grateful Dead. How far can we go with this? I don’t know! I’ll try not to turn this into The Simpsons. In today’s column, we’ll be going back to the mid 70s to ...

A ‘precious’ tale

By SCOTT LOSEE 8-18 Media Special to the Journal As Gollum was falling towards the lava he was happy, then he hit the lava. It stung like quintillion killer bees stinging him simultaneously (how he knew what that felt like I do not know). Then suddenly he melted into an alternate ...

In wintry Minnesota, there’s a belief that every snowplow deserves a name

By SCOTT McFETRIDGE Associated Press Snowplows are essential to enduring winter in Minnesota, so maybe it’s not surprising that every year thousands of people vote on names for the giant machines that clear the state’s roads, such as Plowy McPlowFace and Darth Blader. The often-icy ...