
Marquette County municipalities host November events

The following events are planned at Marquette County locations for the month of November:

Marquette Beautification Committee:

¯ Annual awards luncheon at the

Holiday Inn in Marquette on Friday at

noon. The public is invited to attend to

celebrate the dedicated volunteers who

help make Marquette a beautiful place

to live.

Marquette Senior Center:

¯ Thursday, Nov. 9 — Bowling at the

Superior Entertainment Center. Event

time has changed to 4 to 5 p.m.The

senior center will: Reserve lanes for open

bowling (no experience necessary), and

cover lane fees and shoe rental. There is

a 15-person limit for this event.

¯ Thursday, Nov. 16 — Archery clinic

at Strait Line Archery in Ishpeming at 1

p.m. Attendees will receive instruction

and practice archery skills with an

expert. The program will cover the entry

fee. There is a limit of 15 people.

¯ Thursday, Nov. 30 — Gear up for

Winter at the Blueberry Ridge Warming

Hut. Start your season right with a gear

check, safety review, sport specific

clothing review, a bit of first aid and

winter planning. Bring a brown bag

lunch, your gear (skis/snowshoes) for a

complete check and your winter

pack. We will do a hike if weather


Michigamme Community Building Events:

¯ The Michigamme Downtown Development Authority is sponsoring a Holiday Market at the Township’s Community Building from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 4, 2023. Attendees are invited to come out and support our UP Artisans, take part in the raffles, and grab something to eat from our concessions while you’re here. This event is open to the public, so bring your friends.

¯ Nov. 11 from 3 to 7 p.m. A soup and salad benefit will be held to assist Laurie Guidebeck, your friendly postal carrier, with her ongoing medical expenses at the Township Community Building (upstairs). The soup and salad bar, which will include 20 soups, a variety of salads, and many other extras, is being coordinated by members of the Michigamme Community. For more information or to help, call Nancy at 906-869-1557, Rose at 906-250-8583, or Trudy at 906-323-6263. Please use the downstairs dining room entrance and make out all checks to Laurie Guidebeck. If you’re unable to attend, but want to donate, checks can be sent to the Michigamme Township, Attn: Laurie Guidebeck, PO Box 220, Michigamme, MI 49861. Laurie, her family, and her friends greatly appreciate any assistance you can give.

Humboldt Township Hall events:

¯ Nov. 8 at 12 – 1 p.m. Senior meal at the Humboldt Township Hall – 244 County Road FAF, Humboldt.

EDITORS NOTE: Please note, this does not include all Marquette County senior events. For more information, visit your municipality’s official website.

Starting at $4.62/week.

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