
Steve Swentik gets ace, Cody Clepper the victory at Red Fox Open on Aug. 3

K.I. SAWYER — It might not have gotten him the victory, but Marquette resident Steve Swentik probably had the most memorable shot of the Red Fox Open Tournament held at Red Fox Run Golf Course in K.I. Sawyer on Aug. 3.

Swentik recorded his third career hole-in-one on the 172-yard 15th hole. He used a Big Bertha 22% utility wood and went on for a round of 85 over 18 holes.

His witnesses were Mitch Sharkey and Dawson Laurich.

Cody Clepper went on to win the championship flight of the 25th annual event, which included 40 players both locally and from other areas of the U.S. and took place over two days.

Clepper totaled 143 for 36 holes, beating out both runner-up Derek Fluke and third-place Chris Rhoades by two strokes as Fluke and Rhoades each had 145.

Ryan Meyer won a tiebreaker to capture the first flight with 159, the same total as runner-up Keefer St. Aubin. Gerry Martin was third with 161.

Rob Ryan won the third flight with 160 as David Blout was runner-up with 161 and Chris Gagnon third with 163.

In the senior flight, Buryl Smith won a tiebreaker over Mark Codere as each totaled 156.

And Steve Swenson won the junior flight with 158.

Information compiled by Journal Sports Editor Steve Brownlee. His email address is sbrownlee@miningjournal.net.


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