
Sports look

Subject to change




High school boys tennis

Mid-Peninsula Conference Meet, at Iron Mountain, 9 or 10 a.m. EDT: Negaunee, Westwood, Ishpeming, Gwinn, Manistique, Gladstone, Iron Mountain


High school girls & boys golf

Mid-Peninsula Conference Meet, at Wawonowin Country Club, Champion, 10 a.m.: Negaunee, Westwood, Ishpeming, Gwinn, Manistique, Iron Mountain, Norway


High school boys & girls track & field

Marquette at Great Northern Conference Championships, at Menominee, 4 p.m. EDT

Munising, Manistique, North Central at Munising triangular, 4 p.m.


High school softball

L’Anse at Ishpeming (doubleheader), 4 p.m. — RECENT ADDITION

Superior Central at Munising (doubleheader), 4 p.m.

Jeffers at Westwood, 4 p.m.

Marquette at Menominee, 4:30 p.m. EDT


High school baseball

Menominee at Marquette, 4 p.m.


High school girls soccer

MHSAA Division 2 district tournament: Sault Ste. Marie at Alpena, 6 p.m.


NMU events

Women’s track & field: NCAA Outdoor Championships, at Indianapolis, time TBD




High school boys tennis

Munising at Ishpeming, 2 p.m.


NMU events

Women’s track & field: NCAA Outdoor Championships, at Indianapolis, time TBD




NMU events

Women’s track & field: NCAA Outdoor Championships, at Indianapolis, time TBD


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