
Iron Range Roll set for Saturday between Ishpeming and Marquette

MARQUETTE — The 10th annual Iron Range Roll is scheduled for Saturday and runs from Ishpeming to Marquette.

This 16-mile bicycle race is a family-friendly yet competitive event, according to Connect Marquette. In previous years, the event has seen racers as young as 6 years old and over 80 years old. There is no time limit and there are plenty of places to stop and rest along the route.

The event starts at 2 p.m. at the Cliffs Shaft Mine Museum in Ishpeming. It continues on the Iron Ore Heritage Trail through Negaunee, Negaunee Township and Marquette Township before ending at the Marquette Commons in downtown Marquette.

After the race, there will be a dinner and awards at the nearby Ore Dock Brewing Co., located at 114 W. Spring St. Awards will be given out to top racers in each age bracket.

The 2022 Iron Range Roll was its most successful event yet with over $10,000 raised for the YMCA of Marquette County’s youth programs.

Over the past decade, the Iron Range Roll has donated over $40,000 to youth programs at the YMCA. In 2022, a donation was made to Ainsley’s HALO.


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