
Westwood Patriots’ Tanner Annala prevents Negaunee boys, girls golf teams from making clean sweep at Mid-Peninsula Conference meet

CHAMPION — Westwood’s Tanner Annala prevented Negaunee from pulling off a complete team-individual clean sweep at the Mid-Peninsula Conference boys and girls golf meet held at Wawonowin Country Club on Thursday.

Annala carded 75 to earn boys medalist honors by three strokes over the Miners’ Cole Karki, who shot 78 as the only other round under 80.

But Negaunee walked off with the boys team title with a four-player total of 324. In addition to Karki, Kody Baer contributed 81 to tie for third, Holden Meyer 82 for fifth and Corbin Erva 83 for a tie for sixth. And fifth scorer Dane Saari’s 84 was better than every other team’s third-best score.

Manistique finished 16 strokes off the Miners’ pace with 340, while Iron Mountain totaled 370 and Westwood 377.

Ryan McEvers led the Emeralds with 81 and was listed as the No. 3 scorer on the boys side. Also for Manistique was Landon Dougherty with 83, Nate Schoenow 85, DJ Bellville 91 and Ajay Berger 101.

After Annala for the Patriots came Payne Etelamaki with 94, Chase Korpi 98, Miles Ketola 110 and Alex Turek 118.

In the girls meet, Sonya Erva’s 104 not only won the medalist honors, but led Negaunee to a huge 99-stroke team triumph with 438.

The top four scorers were all Miners. After Erva was teammate Kennidy Glasheen with 106, Kina Salmela 113 and Ava Gustitis 115. Even fifth-scorer Izzy Francisco with her 127 was seventh overall.

Manistique was runner-up with 537 while Westwood finished third with 546.

Leading the Emeralds was Maya Carlson with 121, fifth overall, as Kyra Carlson had 124, Calista Watchhorn 134, Rose Spriks 158 and Ella Ziemba 167.

The Patriots were paced by Taylor Keranen and Clara Kruger each shooting 131. Kaya Etelamaki added 140 and Kenzie Etelamaki 144.

Information compiled by Journal Sports Editor Steve Brownlee. His email address is sbrownlee@miningjournal.net.


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