
Prep golf — Marquette Invitational

Marquette Invitational


Wednesday at Marquette Golf Club




Team scores — 1. Marquette #1 310, 2. Marquette #2 319, 3. Escanaba #1 330, 4. Negaunee 338, 5. Gladstone #1 354, 6. Menominee 365; Marquette #3, Escanaba #2 and Gladstone #2, no team scores


Individual top finishers — 1. Easton Aho (MQT1) 73; 2. Kaleb Chipelewski (MQT1) 76; 3. Seve Swanson (MQT2) 77; 4. (tie) Cam Rector (MQT2), Jack Pond (MQT1) and Holden Meyer (N) 78 each; 7. Graham Johnson (E1) 79; 8. (tie) Cole Karki (N), Adam Heikkila (MQT2), Owen Gereau (G), Jared Plourde (E1) and Caleb Aho (MQT2) 82 each; 13. (tie) Jonah Slawinski (MEN), Trey Savola (MQT3), Pavel McCutcheon (MQT1) and Carson Artley (E1) 83 each; 17. (tie) Kody Baer (N) and Deegan Miron (G1) 85 each; 19. Mason Nygard (MQT2) 86




Team scores — 1. Escanaba 429, 2. Marquette #1 447, 3. Negaunee 537; Marquette #2 and Gladstone, scores not available


Individual top finishers — 1. Abigail Luke (MQT1) 94, 2. Kamrie Scott (E) 97, 3. Danni Hughes (E) 106, 4. Adyson Crookham (N) 108, 5. Lily VanDamme (E) 111, 6. (tie) Roegen Hruska (MQT1) and Emerson Salo (E) 115 each, 8. Kylie Smith (MQT1) 118, 9. Hayden Schetter (MQT1) 120, 10. Ella Pond (MQT1) 126, 11. Addyson Tripp (G) 129, 12. Maia Hemmila (N) 132, 13. Kensley Chamberlain (G) 133, 14. Elise Busick (MQT2) 140, 15. Reyna Debelak (N) 147, 16. Mialie Arbelius (N) 150, 17. Keara Aderman (G) 154, 18. Aili Menard (N) 162, 19. Lorelai Williams (MQT2) 170


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