
Prep golf — Great Northern Conference Championships

Great Northern Conference Championships


Monday at Pine Grove Country Club, Iron Mountain



MARQUETTE (304) — Easton Aho 74, Kaleb Chipelewski 74, Jack Pond 76, Boden Moore 80, Pavel McCutcheon 82

ESCANABA (327) — Bryson Lancour 77, Shane Wallin 81, Graham Johnson 83, Carson Artley 86, Owen LaBonte 92

MENOMINEE (330) — Jonah Slawinski 80, Keegan Wickstrom 82, Jacob Schultz 82, Nathan Schultz 86, Connor Coduti 93

GLADSTONE (331) — Matt Meyer 75, Deegan Miron 80, Owen Gereau 82, Rory Johnson 94, Braidyn Miron 96

KINGSFORD (343) — Lance Harry 82, Nick Doran 82, Owen Edwards 87, Jonah Nelson 92, Jordan Bray 97



KINGSFORD (388) — Bryonna Sanders 89, Grace Maki 92, Maddy Zeuske 102, Ella Rizzo 105

MARQUETTE (394) — Abby Luke 86, Roegen Hruska 98, Kylie Smith 102, Hayden Schetter 108, Ella Pond 111

ESCANABA (395) — Kamrie Scott 91, Sophia Derkos 95, Maddie Wilson 103, Lily VanDamme 106, Danni Hughes 108

MENOMINEE (419) — Lexi Marineau 100, Mackenzie Doyle 102, Anna Axtell 108, Ava Chouinard 109

GLADSTONE (558) — Kensley Chamberlain 126, Keara Aderman 141, Maddie Niswonger 141, Avaya Tiernan 150, Eleanore Mathias 155


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