
Negaunee girls track and field goes deep down in the standings to win Mid-Peninsula Conference meet

ISHPEMING — In its usual understated way when looking at event winners, the Negaunee girls quietly dominated the Mid-Peninsula Conference track and field meet at Westwood High School on Monday.

The Miners won just four of the 17 events but were still dominant in the scoring, posting an 80-point victory with 188 points to 108 for runner-up Manistique. Gladstone was third with 89, followed by Westwood with 55, Ishpeming 51, Iron Mountain 29 and Gwinn 1.

Gladstone was somewhat similar in the boys meet, winning a half-dozen events while posting a better-than-40-point triumph.

The Braves totaled 149 1/4 points to 105 1/4 for Negaunee. Ishpeming was third with 86, followed by Manistique with 81 1/4, Iron Mountain 49 1/4, Gwinn 27 and Westwood 25.

Here are more details on each meet:


No double winners despite Miners’ dominance

Four different girls won the four times for Negaunee, all in individual events.

Sadie Rogers took the 100-meter hurdles in 17.02 seconds, Madison Pekrul the 300 hurdles in 50.08, Keira Waterman the 400 in 1:00.37 and Ashley Bell the discus with a toss of 100 feet, 6 inches.

Manistique boosted its runner-up chances by winning three of the four relays.

Clara Cunningham and Leah Goodreau both ran on all three of those victorious quartets as the 800 relay clocked 1:53.39, the 1,600 was in 4:29.63 and the 3,200 came in at 10:43.02.

Danielle Lund and Aaliyah Sears were both on the 800 and 1,600 relays while Lund also won the shot put with a heave of 36-0.

The balance of relay members was Maya Carlson and Kyra Carlson on the 3,200.

Ishpeming won just three events, but they were all by star distance runner Lola Korpi, who took the 800 in 2:27.14, 1,600 in 5:43.93 and 3,200 in 12:18.70.

The Westwood specialists in field events held up their end of the bargain Monday, with Faith Spiroff taking the high jump by clearing 5-0 and long jump with a leap of 16-3, while Lexi Olson won the pole vault by clearing 10-6.

Olson just missed wresting away the high jump from Spiroff as both cleared 5-0, but Spiroff won the tiebreaker by having one fewer miss.


Brady Mager leads NHS boys

Brady Mager had Negaunee’s only two victories in the boys meet as he captured the high jump by clearing 6-0 and winning the 300 hurdles in 41.39.

Ishpeming’s victory came from Levi Nicholls taking the 800 in 2:13.20, while the Patriots’ triumph came via Louis Salmi winning the pole vault by clearing 10-0.

The Emeralds had a trio of victories, including two relays.

Wyatt Demers won the 200 in 23.88 and also ran with Manistique’s winning 1,600 relay in 3:44.99.

Austin Hinkson and Ben Gilroy joined Demers on the 1,600 relay and also ran with the victorious 3,200 relay in 8:57.86.

The balance of those teams was Carsyn Hinkson on the 1,600 and Brendan Mead and Alex Noble on the 3,200.

Information compiled by Journal Sports Editor Steve Brownlee. His email address is sbrownlee@miningjournal.net.


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