
Michigan Wolverines win Big 10 Tournament baseball game over Iowa with walk-off walk

OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — Mitch Voit worked a bases-loaded walk in the bottom of the 10th inning, scoring Jonathan Kim and lifting the No. 4-seeded Michigan baseball team over fifth-seeded Iowa 3-2 on Wednesday in the Big Ten Tournament.

In the top of the 10th, Davis Cop sent a shot to left field that AJ Garcia bobbled at the wall. Garcia recovered and got it to the cutoff man, who threw a strike to retire Raider Tello at home trying to score from first.

Kim singled to start the bottom half and Jack Young walked the next three batters to end it.

It was Michigan’s first walk-off win in the tournament since 2019. The Wolverines (31-26) advance to the winner’s bracket to play Penn State today.

Iowa (31-22) heads to the loser’s bracket for an elimination game against top-seeded Illinois, also today.

Michigan took a 2-1 lead in the sixth when a wild pitch and error allowed two runners to score. But Iowa responded in the top of the seventh when Ben Wilmes hit it to the wall, scoring Will Mulflur to tie it at 2.


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