
Ishpeming’s Payton Manninen, Miley Phillips post high school softball shutouts over L’Anse

ISHPEMING — Payton Manninen and Miley Phillips each pitched shutouts for Ishpeming on Thursday as the pair allowed just one hit between them in the Hematites’ high school softball doubleheader sweep of visiting L’Anse.

Manninen threw five innings of one-hit ball in the opener for an 11-0 victory. The Purple Hornets’ lone hit all day was an infield single in the top of the fifth and final inning by Brooklyn Dompier.

Phillips then went all three innings without giving up a hit as the Hematites erupted for a 15-0 whitewash in just those few innings of the nightcap.

Manninen had a big day at the plate, collecting a total of five hits including a homer each game — and it was a grand slam in Game 1 — while rolling up seven RBIs and scoring five times.

Teammate Jenna Maki had four hits in all, including a homer in the opener and a triple and double in the nightcap, as she had six RBIs and three runs scored in the pair of contests.

Also contributing to the IHS offense was Brynn Lanala getting a hit and scoring twice in the opener, and Kadie Kaukola getting three singles, two RBIs and scoring once in Game 2.

Jadlynn Goyen was the tough-luck pitcher for L’Anse as she pitched all eight innings over the two games. Combined, Ishpeming collected 20 hits and drew 14 walks off Goyen as she struck out three.

The Hematites have made several changes to next week’s schedule mostly due to a rainout.

Ishpeming hosts Houghton in a 4 p.m. Tuesday doubleheader to make up for a West PAC encounter they had scheduled this week.

That means the Hematites won’t play Gladstone that day nor Marquette on Wednesday.

Instead, Ishpeming will then jump into MHSAA Division 4 district tournament play at Munising on Friday against Gwinn at 10 a.m., with that winner advancing to the 2 p.m. championship game against the winner of the other semifinal beatween Munising and Superior Central, who play at noon.

Information compiled by Journal Sports Editor Steve Brownlee. His email address is sbrownlee@miningjournal.net.


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