
Negaunee Miners girls basketball team bows out in MHSAA Division 2 regional final to Ludington, 34-31

Negaunee head coach Mike O'Donnell, right center, talks strategy before the start of their game against Houghton in an MHSAA Division 2 district tournament championship game played at Lakeview Memorial Gymnasium in Negaunee on March 4. (Photo courtesy Daryl T. Jarvinen)

GAYLORD — A clash of titans came down to the end on Thursday as the Negaunee girls basketball team bowed out of the MHSAA Division 2 tournament in a 34-31 loss to Ludington in Gaylord on Thursday evening.

With both teams entering the regional tournament championship game at 18-5, a game that was close throughout had to be expected.

Neither team had more than a one-possession lead after any of the four quarters — the Miners led 11-10 after one and 17-14 at halftime, then 24-23 after the third.

But in the end, the Orioles came out on top after the game’s leading scorer, Keelyn Laird, netted eight of her 12 points in the final quarter.

Ludington advances to the D-2 quarterfinals to face Frankenmuth in a game to be played on Tuesday night in Cadillac.

Negaunee head coach Mike O’Donnell was proud of his team for getting this far in the tournament.

“I’m sad to see our seniors go,” he said in an email. “It’s tough when you come so far and get so close to that next step; it was definitely an emotional night.

“But when they are able to step back and reflect on what they accomplished and the excitement (they) created for the younger generations, they will look back with pride and a great sense of accomplishment.

“These seniors were top-notch young ladies, (have) tremendous character (and are) scholars (as) students and just have been a pleasure to be around. We will miss them.”

The Orioles presented a big challenge for a rather scrappy Miners team.

“I’m proud of the way our girls battled,” O’Donnell said. “Ludington was a tall, athletic team (that) was very well coached.

“We gave ourselves a chance with our defensive effort, but unfortunately, it was just not our night offensively. Ludington had a lot to do with that; they were a very scrappy team (that) changed defenses and kept our girls guessing all night.

“I kept waiting for that run we’ve made in the other games to separate ourselves and it just never came tonight.”

Senior forward Emily Gauthier and sophomore guard Ella Mason led Negaunee scorers with eight points apiece. Gauthier scored a 2-point basket in each quarter, while Mason had a pair of 2-pointers in the opening quarter, a triple in the third and a free throw in the final period.

Senior forward Alyssa Hill, who has been the team’s scoring leader, contributed five points, including 3 of 4 free throws, while senior guard Summer Dudo added four points. Two more senior guards, Madison Smith and Lilly Nelson, each made a trey for three points.

In addition to Laird, Ludington’s Ryann Rohrer scored seven points, making 3 of 4 free throws, while Emma McKinley had five points.

Information compiled by Journal Sports Editor Steve Brownlee. His email address is sbrownlee@miningjournal.net.


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