
Detroit Pistons’ Reggie Jackson among those in trade talks

Detroit Pistons guard Reggie Jackson celebrates a 3-point shot during the second half against the Miami Heat on Jan. 28 in Miami. The Heat defeated the Pistons 116-103. (AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee)

NEW ORLEANS — Jahlil Okafor viewed New Orleans during All-Star weekend with a different lens than usual, since he thought there was a chance it may have been his next home.

That’s life in the rumor mill.

Welcome to trade season, already underway in earnest and will remain so until Thursday afternoon’s deadline. All-Star DeMarcus Cousins is changing his address from Sacramento to New Orleans, Serge Ibaka was sent last week from Orlando to Toronto — and the next few days will likely see Carmelo Anthony, Jimmy Butler, Taj Gibson, Reggie Jackson and many more all discussed by various teams.

The motivations are many, and obvious in most cases. Some teams will look to add pieces with hopes of enhancing their postseason hopes; others are looking to build toward the future by shedding expiring contracts or collecting draft picks.

The jostling is already well underway, and the Cousins move would be huge for New Orleans — if they can convince him to sign an extension this summer. Ibaka figures to bolster the Raptors’ chances in the East, and Cleveland moved the injured Chris Andersen to Charlotte to open up a roster spot just in case the Cavs have a chance to add a piece that might help LeBron James in the playoffs.

Detroit Pistons guard Reggie Jackson passes the ball during the second half against the Dallas Mavericks on Wednesday in Auburn Hills. (AP photo)

Orlando, with an eye on the future, is considering a deal where it would take Jackson from Detroit and essentially make him the Magic point guard of the future since three full seasons remain on what was a five-year, $80 million contract.

Not everyone gets frenzied at trade-deadline time. San Antonio, for example, hasn’t made a deadline deal of any real significance since acquiring Kurt Thomas in 2008.

“It’s all about team chemistry,” Spurs star forward Kawhi Leonard said. “You’ve always got to figure out the best way for you and your team, but I think we’re doing a good job right now. You can talk to the front office and see what they’re doing, but right now I feel like we’re doing good.”


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