
All you need is love

To the Journal editor:

Watching this current political scene is so painful. I believe that people on all sides of the issues want the same basic thing, to live in a stable, fair country whose government has the best interests of its citizens guiding their governing.

And it is also obvious as I try to track down what is “truth” that neither side is averse to slanting, taking things out of context or even out-and-out lying. So, how the hell do I vote wisely? I know that when I act out of fear (and there is so much fear-mongering going on) I never make a wise choice.

It always comes back to this: My spiritual journey has been an exploration not only of the religion I was born into (Christianity) but also into writings and philosophies of other religions (Buddhist, Hindu, Sufi) and what I think they are all teaching me can be boiled down to love.

Not love of myself, or my family, or my tribe, or my religious fellows, or my country–universal love. Since I don’t know how to love all, I have to practice and see what works. That means I often make mistakes, but I believe when my intention is to get to that place where I will love all, there is a guiding divine power behind my attempts. When I make a mistake, that divine power helps me see it and adjust accordingly.

So, I am going to choose the party or individuals who talk about the good of all, who show respect for their fellow humans, who know the value of everyone and that we are beholding to so many people who are providing services and not being appreciated for those services. I also know that this huge world is complicated and interconnected whether we like it or not.

The good of other countries is also a support for our good. I may make a mistake in my voting, but I think it will be okay when my intention is to love universally. I also believe that I should not rule out anyone based on one issue of mine that may not agree with them.

I didn’t pick my spouse that way nor my friends. No one is going to agree with me 100%, so I will just go with what matches my overall belief in loving the Whole and know I have voted my conscience.

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