
Words of encouragement

To The Journal editor:

With a lot of news about climate change, which is now happening, more hot weather, hurricanes and more severe storms.

Think about where you live. The southern states are noticing a big change. Temperature in the 100s and lasting longer, plus many more tornadoes.

In the most northern state as the Upper Peninsula of Michigan is not the severe weather yet plus we have the different seasons. Think of it: not the same thing every day.

I’ve been in places like Hawaii. Very nice weather but in the middle of the Pacific Ocean; in the Philippines with the U.S. Coast Guard, it’s tropical, very warm, 90s and 70s and humid.

We had a typhoon, another name for a hurricane and winds up to 125 mph. Lucky to be on a military base, we were safe. Also serving in the U.S. Air Force in Miami, Florida, in the late 1950s, a hurricane came in much more damage close to our Air Force base, winds of 125 mph. Also very warm most of the year and humid.

Being born in Marquette and most of my life spent here, it’s a safe place to live, weather-wise for now. So get out and enjoy each season. Now it’s summer. The beauty of flowers and leaves on the trees and green grass and, so far, clean Lake Superior.

Some pollution but can still see the stars and then nights cool down and think of the other seasons with the beauty in each are just think you don’t get bored with the same thing everyday.

Get out and be thankful of our changing weather in the U.P. of Michigan.

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