
No turning back clock

To the Journal editor;

In 2022, Michigan voters passed Proposal 3 by an overwhelming 583,476 vote margin, putting women’s freedom to make personal reproductive healthcare decisions into the Michigan constitution.

If you think that settled the issue in Michigan, you are wrong! Former president Trump brags that he appointed the Supreme Court judges that took away women’s freedom to make their own private reproductive decisions, a right that was theirs for the previous 50 years!

Our current congressional representative, Jack Bergman, has voted for the 2021 Heartbeat Protection Act HR705, a six-week national abortion ban and former president Trump would not hesitate to sign a national abortion ban passed by a Republican controlled congress.

But it’s worse than that, Rep. Bergman signed a brief to the Supreme Court in the current medical abortion pill case that endorsed reviving enforcement of the Comstock Act, a 1873 anti-vice law (USC Section 1461-1462) which criminalizes distribution of anything used in abortion or to prevent conception!

Yes, this prevents access to almost all forms of birth control. Not surprisingly, Rep. Bergman gets a zero (0) rating from Planned Parenthood.

Rep. Bergman, when questioned about his abortion ban vote, just walked away (video – search “distill social Bergman abortion”)

This is just one of many reasons why Dr. Bob Lorinzer is a much better choice to represent Michigan’s 1st Congressional District. As a physician, he recognizes that a woman having a miscarriage (up to 20 percent of pregnancies) should get needed medical attention and not a criminal investigation of her or her doctor as recently happened in Ohio.

Bergman reaffirmed he is against contraception/ birth control, he recently voted against House Resolution 8373 — Right to Contraception Act.

We can’t let Jack Bergman and the former president take us back to 1873 when women didn’t have the right to vote, either!

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