
Officials thanked

To the Journal editor:

On behalf of the citizens of Rock River Township in Alger County, a huge note of gratitude to the local elected township officials who have recently resigned, Trevor Case, Maria Strand and Annie Dunn and those who remain on the board, Rowan Bunce and Teri Grout.

These young people offered their countless hours of time and talent in many different capacities to conduct the business of our local government, believing that they could be instrumental in moving the township forward.

As payback for their time spent and their efforts to operate by the laws governing townships in Michigan, they have been maligned, harassed and forced to spend their time responding to FOIA requests and accusations, costing the township money and delays in addressing other important matters.

Ultimately, this has caused not only the resignations of three of the board members, but the complete disruption of township activities such as the paying of bills and completing the activation of a new fire truck for the township.

More bills than the township can ill afford, may accrue as a special election may be required and additional help from the county needed to complete the duties and training of a new clerk and treasurer in time for two elections this year.

Participation and leadership in local government by our younger citizens is the ideal as our state and country strive to pass on the legacy of effective and important governance. As a society we should be encouraging these efforts and appreciating new perspectives on old issues. As a community, we should not have let this disruption happen.

Thank you again, Trevor, Maria, Annie, Rowan and Teri, for your countless hours of time spent, your thoughtful consideration of the township’s concerns and your integrity in the face of unsubstantiated opposition.

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