
Let’s not forget D-Day

To The Journal editor:

We are writing this letter on June 6, the 80th anniversary of D Day–a day in which thousands of American lives were spent to defend freedom and democracy in Europe against the dark forces of an authoritarian dictatorship.

Today in another part of Europe, freedom and democracy are under attack 80 years later in Ukraine by another authoritarian dictatorship, the Russian Federation. Just as we did 80 years ago, America should help the people of Ukraine.

My wife, Valentyna, a Ukrainian native, and I recently visited Luxembourg, one of the first countries the Nazis invaded and occupied.

There, we saw firsthand the difference America’s military made in saving freedom and democracy in Luxembourg in 1945 when the U.S. Army under Gen. George Patton liberated the country. America and Gen. Patton are loved here.

The main street in Luxembourg city is named F.D. Roosevelt Boulevard and most villages bear a street named Patton.

The Nazis were vicious and cruel in their occupation of Luxembourg just as the Russian Federation is vicious and cruel in Ukraine.

Ukraine is not asking for American soldiers–just money and weapons. Thankfully, on April 21 Congress voted overwhelmingly 311-112 to provide nearly a $61 billion lifeline in military and economic aid to Ukraine.

The vote to support Ukraine was an answer to our prayers. It is disappointing that our Congressman Bergman voted against aid to Ukraine.

So, let’s not forget why we sent our soldiers to the beaches of Normandy on D Day; it is the same reason why we need to help keep freedom and democracy alive in Ukraine.

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