
Eternal Destiny considered

To the Journal editor:

Today I was asked how I am able to stand against the pressures of a world that violates my Christian values.


First, the values are not mine. They are Soul Care values for wholesome living laid out by our Creator. The way we do soul care is the way we do everything.

Secondly, the values were given for a purpose: wholesome living. Why should I violate them when the costs and consequences, wreckage at every level, are so painfully obvious? And why would I wish that wreckage on my loved ones?

Thirdly, a question to be asked: considering the road I am currently traveling: What is my Eternal Destiny?

The Divine touches every aspect of life present and future. There is absolutely no area of life where we can say to the Divine, “Stay out. This is mine, not yours.”

The future for those who attempt to do so is not to be cherished.

My Eternal Destiny resulting from a life of wholesome living? A choice between a beautiful eternity in Heaven, or the unimaginable eternal torture in the fires of hell.

Last of all, I am able to stand because my God sustains me in all things..

Soli Deo Gloria (to God alone be the Glory)

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