Good news here
To the Journal editor:
A few weeks ago, I wrote this publication about the difficulty Upper Peninsula kids on the Upper Peninsula Health Plan had in obtaining medical care close to home in nearby Wisconsin.
The letter I sent to this paper was filled with rage at the injustice of having to take a child to lower Michigan instead of being allowed access to care in nearby Wisconsin. I knew I was not the only parent of a child on Medicaid facing such injustice.
So, in my letter I asked my fellow Yoopers to contact their state and federal lawmakers as well as the CEOs of Children’s Hospital Wisconsin and Upper Peninsula Health Care. For those of you who took it upon yourself to make a phone call, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I have been informed by the Upper Peninsula Health Plan that it is working with the Marshfield Medical Center to include pediatric specialists in their network. I was able to find a pediatric specialist in Marshfield, Wisconsin for my daughter which will cut our travel time from 16 hours to eight.
For parents of children enrolled in UPHP who need to see pediatric specialists, I would recommend calling Upper Peninsula Health Plan at 906-225-7500 to inquire if the specialist required is in network at one of Marshfield’s clinics.
UPHP also offers reimbursement for travel and food on the day of the appointment. Information about travel reimbursement can be obtained at the UPHP website:
Lastly, I wish to thank the Yoopers who bound together to contact those in power to make a change which will benefit not only my child but for every child who is on Medicaid. We are stronger when we work together for the good of our community. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!