
Note to Brumm

To the Journal editor:

Oh Margaret, to quote your comment in the recent Mining Journal (Jan. 26), “We just didn’t spend that much time talking about Native Americans … it just wasn’t part of our thinking,” she said.

Guess what? Times change. There was actually a time in our United States history when it was acceptable to segregate schools, restrooms, buses, etc. We don’t hold on to mascots for sentimental reasons, regardless of how many of our relatives wore them in their heydays. Some find it offensive.  

We understand you are a smart person, as you have repeatedly reminded the city commission during  multiple public comment opportunities. Your recent cleverness to boost your political base is thinly veiled.

And by the way, I didn’t see you at the school board meeting when the mascot was voted on by the board.  The board who actually concerns themselves with creating and maintaining  healthy educational opportunities.

I was there, and heard the Native Tribe representatives who supported removal of this racist mascot.


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