
Tunnel is best way

To the Journal editor:

The Michigan Public Service Commission over the last four years examined the Great Lakes Tunnel Project and understands what a recent letter writer does not: The Great Lakes Tunnel Project will enable Michiganders and the region to continue to receive safely essential energy while strengthening safeguards to protect the Straits of Mackinac.

Lessons learned over the years have enabled Enbridge to deploy a proactive approach in how we safely deliver energy. Our investment in this energy infrastructure modernization project underscores that we do not have to choose between protecting waterways and providing vital energy critical to manufacturing thousands of products.

From the essentials of heat to the fuel that keeps us on the move to the laptops and phones that keep us connected, life takes energy. The Great Lakes Tunnel is the commonsense, next level of energy delivery.

The MPSC decision is a major step forward in making the Great Lakes Tunnel Project a reality. The input from intervenors on both sides of the issue raised important questions that challenge us all to get this right, and we are committed to starting construction as soon as we receive a decision on our permit application from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

After the tunnel is built, it will be turned over to the state to own. But Enbridge will continue to pay the full costs of inspections, maintenance, and operations of the tunnel. Enbridge, not taxpayers, will pay for all of it.

Equally, we are steadfast in our plan to reduce emissions to net-zero by 2050. We will continue to invest in renewables, modernize our networks and transport and deliver these energy resources safely.



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