
Divine right of Donald Trump?

To the Journal editor:

Former President Trump has gained notoriety for tweeting and posting the outrageous and often disturbing.

With his latest, a video entitled “God Made Trump,” the 45th president has sunk to a new low. The video portrays the former president as one chosen by God to lead America and is strangely reminiscent of the “Divine Right of Kings.”

Before Louis XVI lost his head on the guillotine, France’s kings ruled with absolute authority from God. To disobey the King was to disobey God.

Authors of the U.S. constitution did not want a king who acted in the name of God, the memories of the injustices they had suffered under England’s King George III were still fresh in their minds.

As Americans go to the polls in November they will decide not only who will be America’s 46th president but also the course of our nation.

Will we embrace democracy as we always have or will we embrace a dictator? What will our choice say about us as a nation and what we believe?

“We are what we believe we are.” — CS Lewis


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