
Vets assisted

To the Journal editor:

Since 2011 the non-profit organization, 906 Warrior Relief Fund, has pursued their mission to provide assistance to active duty military, guard reserve and veterans in a time of crisis across the Upper Peninsula.

An example of their support was shown recently to a local elderly veteran. His bills were mounting and his health deteriorating both contributing to mounting stress. Time was running out to find a fix before finances were in worse shape.

All along, the veteran was trying to keep up with his growing medical issues and remain living independently. A crisis situation.

Thanks to financial support from the 906 Warrier Relief Fund, a significant burden has been eliminated. The veteran who had said recently he hoped he would see his upcoming birthday, is now breathing easier.

At Little Brothers-Friends of the Elderly, we are thankful to have this excellent and expedient resource for veterans in our community.


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