
Food for thought

To the Journal editor:

I was born in May, 1990 in a snow storm. I learned early on that you needed to work to earn a living.

Fast-forward to 2023 and the headlines kill me. Our country is more worried about hatred than knowledge. Our political parties know that they are burnt and still act like they have our best interests at heart.

Why is it that we elect people who have “political science” degrees? That makes no sense, here is why: the working class of this country does not have a fancy degree. We are the farmers, the contractors, the miners, the hunters, the processors. We do not live in multi-room mansions, we live in multi-family apartment projects.

We do not drive in fancy cars, we drive the scraps left over from the previous generation. As a millenial, I know that the middle class is gone. We have an open border. Mortgages are out of control and salaries are down. Please think on this.


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