
Changes needed in D.C.

To the Journal editor:

On May 10, 1967, Martin Luther King Jr. spoke of “The Three Evils” — racism, poverty and war.

They are still very much with us and exacerbated. Deregulation is a step backward and will make these problems worse. Very little is being done by those who coordinate policies to effectively address the pandemic COVID-19 crisis and we cannot, each state and individual, do it alone, but we are getting very little leadership from Congress and the executive branch, only disagreement and executive orders with little or no legal basis.

There seems to be very little interest from this administration to do anything to coordinate policy to get the pandemic under control. All it wants to do is to get the economy up and running at the risk fo the lives of all Americans, to get children back into schools in a normal manner that risks the lives of students and teachers alike, not to mention others caught up in this rush to perpetuate the status quo as if “The Three Evils” will go away, ever existed and need not be addressed.

The polity is out of step with reality. Congress continues its political wrangling with our lives and this economy over giving people the money and help they need, calling them lazy and not wanting to get back to work. These are excuses not facts in evidence, all while the military and big corporations, the wealthy, get anything, so it seems, to benefit them.

This is political muck, it is pathetic, it is the politics of today with a do-nothing congress, a president ruling by Twitter, executive order and pathos.Voter suppression is very much a part of the efforts to fix the 2020 election with the failure to address and efforts to sabotage the U.S. Post Office by denying voting by mail, and undermining its service to serve the public. He continues to threaten Social Security and Medicare. We need a representative democracy, that will be of the people, by the people and for the people, not just the few or those profiting from the crisis.


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