
Read fine print

To the Journal editor:

From time to time an article appears in Michigan newspapers titled, “How They voted.” Everyone should read it. Just last week our Lansing lawmakers voted to take money from the educational fund to relieve a budget shortfall caused by tax cuts to businesses.

Why ever did we believe that cutting taxes would increase revenues? A perfect test case is Kansas, which is now foundering. It’s never worked and makes no sense yet so many still cling stubbornly to the notion.

Now comes a new “plan.” Proposal 1 is a bag of treats for nearly every voting bloc. Just vote for a 16.6 percent increase in sales tax and our troubles will be over. We’ll just skim over the other taxes, such as the increase in car licenses, and a surtax on hybrid vehicles.

No need to dwell on details, right? But wait, we’ll have dedicated highway funds and dedicated school funds. “Dedicated.” (Can you say “Michigan Lottery?”) We’ll be shafted once again and we’ll do it to ourselves if we vote for this sleazy referendum.

If it’s such a great idea, why don’t our legislators have the courage to do it? That’s what we pay them for. No, they want us to get them off the hook.

But, but, jobs, you say. Maybe. Is it just coincidence that this sudden concern for our dismal highways comes at the same time as a push to repeal the prevailing wage law?

So who’s really going to get those jobs? How much will they pay? And who’s going to pocket a bundle of our tax dollars?

Lola Johnson



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