
Local elections matter just as much as national elections

After last week’s Presidential Debate, many Americans might be feeling disenchanted about their choices at the ballot in November. While political apathy seems like the rule of the day, the recently held Marquette County League of Women Voters candidate forum shows that the most important governing takes place close to home.

The forum featured candidates for the 109th District seat for the State House of Representatives.

Incumbent Jenn Hill was joined by fellow Democrats Margaret Brumm and Randy Girard. The Republican candidates in attendance were Melody Wagner and Burt Mason. Republican canidate Karl Bohnak wasnt in attendance.

While these types of events might not have the bright lights and glitz of major events like the Presidential debates, the issues are much more pressing and have more impact on the day-to-day lives of voters in the area.

Last week’s forum held discussions of plenty of topics important to the Upper Peninsula, including affordable housing, green energy, right-to-work laws and abortion access.

Being in the same room as these candidates is important for voters to not only educate themselves on the positions of their options but also to really get a feel for the individuals asking for their votes.

We applaud the League of Women Voters, an organization who is always at the forefront at making sure voters are educated. Events like this are crucial for American citizens to really make their government work from them.

To watch the entire candidate forum for yourself, go to the League of Women Voters Marquette County YouTube page and watch the “Michigan House of Representatives 109th District Candidate Forum” under the “past live streams” section.

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