
Study shows housing remains area of concern

As is the case in much of the country, finding affordable housing in Marquette County has become a challenge and a significant barrier to many who would like to call this part of the Upper Peninsula home.

On Thursday, Marquette County officials gave a presentation at Northern Michigan University where the results of a recent study were discussed with developers, city officials and financial institutions.

The study, performed by LandUseUSA, looked at supply and demand of housing types, the number and types of buyers, how much renters and buyers are willing to pay, as well as how many people are moving into each city per year.

The results of the study painted a concerning picture for residents in the area who are not only having difficulty finding affordable housing, but are showing discontent with the types of housing available in the area.

The study showed that renters throughout the county want small cottages or subdivided houses, and the amount of those houses are, at the highest difference, less than half of what renters need.

While the current situation may not be ideal, studies such as this one show that Marquette County is committed to addressing these issues.

Over recent years, we have also seen the city use grant funding to put forward new projects which aim to expand housing in the area.

Anyone who is familiar with Marquette will tell you that the area is continually growing each year and ensuring that housing is available for those in the area will help to ensure that the Upper Peninsula’s crown jewel will continue to thrive well into the future.


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